Rorate Caeli

Sacred Music as a Latin Mass magnet | January - May 2015: an Event Series in Vicenza, Italy, and an idea for the entire world

We receive the following from a reader in Vicenza (Veneto), Italy, where a group of Traditional-minded Catholics has had a fine idea for their small community: through a kind of Sacred Musical festival lasting several weeks and with the participation of organists, polyphonic choirs, a Schola Cantorum. Each Sunday, at Mass, the presence of musical beauty for the praise of God, with the intent of both delighting listeners and of bringing new people to Christ and His Church through His Mass:
I am writing from Vicenza, Italy and I am involved in coordinating the events related to the Traditional Latin Mass, celebrated at 5 pm every Sunday and holy days of obligation by don Pierangelo Rigon in his parish church located in Ancignano di Sandrigo (VICENZA).

In order to enhance the appreciation and spread the knowledge of the Latin Mass, last September we came up with a new idea, i.e. a musical and liturgical festival consisting in inviting to our masses different Scholae Cantorum of our Diocese in order to let them participate to a Sunday sung mass and perform their own liturgical (Latin) repertory.

We thought that by doing so we could reach many more people (not only organists and cantors, but also relatives and friends) that normally would not come to our liturgies. The first Mass in the series is this Sunday, January 11, 2015 - on the same day, there will be a conference on Sacred Music and Chant at the Service of the Roman Rite. (Event calendar and conference notice below.)